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Early Photography in Albania

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The Photo Collection
of Otto von Gerstner
Deutsch | Shqip

Albania, Montenegro and the Sandjak
in 1912

The Austro-Hungarian Field Marshal Otto von Gerstner was born in Vienna in 1839 and embarked upon a military career. He was made a lieutenant colonel in 1883, was raised to nobility in 1889 (thus von Gerstner), and retired from the army in 1895, at which time he was awarded the Ritterkreuz of the Leopold Order. Otto von Gerstner is the author of a small German-language book entitled Albanien (Albania), Vienna 1913, which was written in the autumn of 1912 probably as a series of lecture. It was designed to draw the attention of the Austro-Hungarian public to Albania which was very near the borders of the Dual Monarchy at the time. Von Gerstner died soon thereafter. The photos published in this book were taken by a Major Spaits, as the author tells us.

OVG018: Highlanders of Kelmendi (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG020: Devastated forest at the Albanian-Montenegrin border (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG021: Delbnisht near Laç, with the residence of the Archbishop of Durrës (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG023: Murderers attending the funeral of their victim (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG025: The murder victim and his weapons laid out on a bier (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG026: A kulla in Mirdita (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG030: Uglo [Ugao] in the Peshter mountains in the Sandjak of Novi Pazar (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG032: The Golnji Most bridge at the Albanian-Montenegrin border (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG033: The trail from Andrijevica to Berane in the Upper Lim Valley of eastern Montenegro (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG035: Andrijevica in eastern Montenegro (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG037: Berane in eastern Montenegro (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG038: Crossing the Peshter mountains southwest of Novi Pazar (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG046: Plava [Plav] in southeastern Montenegro (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG052: The Selca Valley in Kelmendi (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). OVG057: A young man in Catholic Mirdita (Photo: Major Spaits 1912). simple jquery lightboxby v5.9


Die Fotosammlung des Otto von Gerstner
English | Shqip

Albanien, Montenegro und der Sandschak im Jahre 1912

Der k.u.k. Feldmarschalleutnant Otto von Gerstner wurde 1839 in Wien geboren und schlug eine militärische Laufbahn ein. 1883 war er Oberstleutnant und im Jahre 1889 wurde er geadelt, bis er 1895 in den Ruhestand trat, bei welchem Anlass ihm das Ritterkreuz des Leopold-Ordens verliehen wurde. Danach lebte er Wien. In hohem Alter war Otto von Gerstner Verfasser des schmalen Werkes mit dem Titel Albanien, Wien & Leipzig 1913, das er im Herbst des Jahres 1912 scheinbar aufgrund seiner Vorträge oder Vorlesungen zusammenstellte. Das Buch sollte das Land, das damals von den Grenzen der Doppelmonarchie nicht allzu weit entfernt war, dem Leser näherzubringen. Feldmarschalleutnant von Gerstner starb kurz danach. Die hier vorgestellten Fotoaufnahmen aus dem besagten Werk wurden ihm, wie der Verfasser uns mitteilt, von einem Major Spaits zur Verfügung gestellt.


Koleksioni fotografik i Oto fon Gerstner (Otto von Gerstner)
English | Deutsch

Shqipëria, Mali i Zi dhe Sanxhaku i Pazarit te Ri në vitin 1912

Oficeri austro-hungarez Oto fon Gerstner lindi në Vjenë në vitin 1839 dhe hyri në shërbim të ushtrisë perandorake. Në vitin 1883 ishte nënkolonel dhe në vitin 1889 u bë aristokrat (prandaj mbiemri fon Gerstner). Doli në pension në Vjenë në vitin 1895, kur u shpërblye me medaljen Ritterkreuz të urdhrit të Leopoldit. Në moshë të madhe Oto fon Gerstner hartoi një libër të vogël gjermanisht për Shqipërinë: Albanien (Shqipëria), Vjenë 1913, në bazë të ligjëratave të tij të hartuara në vjeshtë të vitit 1912. Libri shërbeu për t’i bërë të njohur publikut austriak një vend i cili në atë kohë nuk ishte aq larg nga kufiri i Monarkisë së Dyfishtë. Duket se vdiq pak kohë pas kësaj. Fotografitë e këtij koleksioni nga libri i lartpërmendur janë marrë nga njëfarë majori Shpaic (Spaits), siç bën të ditur autori.