The Photo Collection of Willibald Kollegger

Deutsch | Shqip

Albania in 1942

Willibald Kollegger (1910-1943), born in Graz in Styria (Austria), was an Austrian publicist of the Nazi period. His one book publication, the German-language Albaniens Wiedergeburt (Albania’s Renascence), Vienna 1942, was a work of political propaganda serving to glorify fascist Italy’s rule in Albania. The photos in this collection are taken the said book and stem in part from the author, and in part from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian government of that period. Kollegger died a year after the book was published.

Die Fotosammlung des Willibald Kollegger

English | Shqip

Albanien im Jahre 1942

Der in Graz/Steiermark geborene Willibald Kollegger (1910-1943) war ein österreichischer Publizist der NS-Zeit. Sein einziges Buch, Albaniens Wiedergeburt, Wien 1942, ist ein Propagandawerk für den Faschismus und die italienische Besatzung in Albanien. Die Fotos aus dem besagten Buch stammen zum Teil vom Verfasser und zum Teil vom italienischen Außen- ministerium und der italienischen Regierung. Kollegger starb ein Jahr nach Erscheinung seines Buches.

Koleksioni fotografik i Vilibald Kolegerit

(Willibald Kollegger)

English | Deutsch

Shqipëria në vitin 1942

Vilibald Koleger (1910-1943), lindur në Grac të Austrisë, ishte një publicist austriak i kohës naziste. Libri i tij i vetëm, Albaniens Wiedergeburt (Rilindja e Shqipërisë), Vjenë 1942, ishte një vepër propagandistike në mbështetje të sundimit fashist italian në Shqipëri. Fotografitë e këtij koleksioni, të marra nga ky libër, vijnë nga vetë autori si dhe nga Ministria italiane e Punëve të Jashtme dhe nga Qeveria Italiane e saj kohe. Kolegeri vdiq një vit pas botimit të librit.
Robert Elsie Early Photography in Albania
WKL1942_008b | View of Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_008c | Market day in Korça (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_009a | The main street of the bazaar in Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_009b | A Bektashi grave in Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_009c | Home in Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_016 | Dress of a highland woman (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_017 | Northern Albanian costumes (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_032a | Albanian shepherds smoking (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_032b | Merchants at the firewood market in Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_032c | View of Gjirokastra in southern Albania (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_033a | Selling fresh drinks in the street (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_033b | Opanka sandals made of old car tires (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_033c | Butter churns and cradles in the market (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_048a | A typical Albanian shop (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_048b | Scene at the animal market in Tirana (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_048c | A merchant in Kruja selling fox skins (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_049a | Ploughing with Italian oxen (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_049b | Al Albanian plough (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_049c | A traditional Albanian farmhouse made of clay and branches (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_049d | Swampy landscape in Durrës (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_049e | Modern irrigation canals to drain the swamps (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_064a | Modern farming in Albania (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_064b | Silos on a modern farm (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_065a | Harvesting maize (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_065b | Harvesting olives near Kruja (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_088a | Drilling rig in the Devoll region (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_088b | Albanian oil workers on their way to work (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_088c | New mountain road between Tirana and Elbasan. View of the Shkumbin valley (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_089a | Copper extraction plant (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_089b | Cement machine and crane (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_096a | House of the Albanian Youth in Tirana, now the National Archaeological Museum (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_096b | Young Albanian soldiers parading in goose-step formation (passo romano) (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_097a | Albanian schools in the past (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_097b | Albanian schools in the present (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_112a | Albanian girls dancing (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_112b | Albanian military drummers and trumpeters (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120a | House of the Fascio (Casa del Fascio) under construction in Tirana, now the University of Tirana (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120b | Girls parading in Tirana (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120c (left) | The new Viale del Impero (Avenue of the Empire) under construction in Tirana, now called Dëshmorët e Kombit (Martyrs of the Nation Boulevard) (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120c (right) | The new Viale del Impero (Avenue of the Empire) under construction in Tirana, now called Dëshmorët e Kombit (Martyrs of the Nation Boulevard) (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120d (left) | The new stadium under construction in Tirana (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_120d (right) | The new stadium under construction in Tirana (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_121a | New buildings in Tirana, now Avni Rustemi Square (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_121b | New headquarters of the fascist leisure organisation Dopo Lavoro Albanese in Tirana, now the Academy of Fine Arts (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_128a | Italian Viceroy Francesco Jacomoni di San Savino speaking to Albanian legionaries (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_128b | Albanian and Italian flags together at a bridge (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_129a | Remains of the Bektashi monastery of Melçan near Korça (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_129b | Albanian irregulars in the Greek campaign in the winter of 1940-1941 (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_144a | Alpini soldiers in the mountains of Albania during the Greek campaign in the winter of 1940-1941 (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_144b | An armed ski patrol in the mountains of Albania (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_145a | Albanian irregular observing Greek troop movements (Photo 1941-1942). WKL1942_145b | An Albanian boy giving a fascist ‘Roman’ salute (Photo 1941-1942). jquery image lightboxby v6.1